

The latest news about StarUML

StarUML 2.3.0 Release

StarUML v2.3.0 is now available for download. This release includes the following features and fixed issues.

Replaced by CEF 2171 (Stability and Performance Improvement)

Finally we have replaced application shell based on CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) by new version (CEF 2171) for Windows and Mac OS X (not yet for Linux).It dramatically enhances stability and performance. For clarify, our application shell is totally depends on Brackets Shell.

Advanced Font System

We have also replaced font features by a new advanced font system, so you can use any TrueType fonts including CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) fonts in diagrams as well as in the generated PDF document. Default fonts are changed and packaged with installer as follow:

  • Liberation Fonts (substitute for Arial, Courier New, and Times New Roman)
  • Noto Sans CJK Fonts (used for CJK characters)
  • Lato
  • Roboto
  • Source Sans Pro
  • Source Code Pro

CJK characters in PDF CJK characters in PDF

스크린샷 2015-06-12 오후 12.59.23 PDF printing with Lato font

New font system also allow to install your own fonts (at this time we only support TrueType fonts). Default fonts are placed in <INSTALL\_DIR>/www/styles/fonts/. If you want to add a new font, create a folder and place all .ttf files and then make an appropriate font.json file.

The detailed resolved issues can be found at Release Note.