The latest news about StarUML

StarUML 2.0.0-beta6 Release
StarUML v2.0.0-beta6 is now available for download. This release includes the following features and fixed issues.
Extension Manager
ExtensionManager allows you to install, uninstall, and update extensions easily from our Extension Registry. It also allows to install from Github repository if the extension is developed on Github as an open source. We are preparing API docs and Extension Registry Web interface, then Anyone can develop extensions and register to main Extension Registry.
Extension Manager[/caption]
Java Extension (Code Generation and Reverse Engineering)
The first extension we provide is Java extension (v0.9.0). It allows you to generate Java skeleton source codes from UML model, and reverse from existing Java source codes to UML model. This extension is open source and hosted on Github ( under MIT License.
Word Wrap
So far it’s difficult to treat long-named elements, now you can use word wrap feature which allows showing long-name in multiple lines by selecting Format > Word Wrap menu. It’s useful in Use-Case Diagram, Activity Diagram and Statechart Diagram.
Word Wrap
Show Properties and Tags
You can show or hide properties and tags in Views. Some of properties (e.g. isID, isReadOnly, isOrdered of Attributes) can be shown in Views surrounded by braces. Now, Tags can be shown in the braces.
Show Properties and Tags
Drag and Drop Relationships from Explorer to Diagram
You can drag Relationships from Explorer and drop on Diagram. It creates the view of relationship as well as the views of related elements. For example, if you drag and drop a UMLGeneralization element, then the two Class views (super and sub) and the Generalization view are created in the Diagram.
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The detailed resolved issues can be found at Release Note.
(If you have any problem? please discuss on User Forum)