The latest news about StarUML

StarUML 2.0.0-beta8 Release
StarUML v2.0.0-beta8 is now available for download. This release includes the following features and fixed issues.
Show/Hide Types and Multiplicities
You can show or hide types and multiplicities in Attributes, Operations, AssociationEnds, etc by selecting Format > Show Type or Format > Show Multiplicity.
Hide Types (or Multiplicities)
Support Use Case Subject (aka. System Boundary)
Use Case Subject is supported now. It can be used as “System Boundary” which is supported in the older version. It can be used also to categorize Use Cases. This element always on the background than other elements in Diagrams.
Use Case Subject
Multi-Instance in LifeLine
You can represent multi-instance LifeLines by just checking “isMultiInstance” property in Property Editor.
Multi-Instance LifeLine
Toast UI
New Toast UI is introduced. Toast is shown at the left-top side in Diagram Area and disappear automatically after seconds. When you try to make invalid elements or connect relationships, messages will be shown in Toasts.
Toast UI
The detailed resolved issues can be found at Release Note.
(If you have any problem? please discuss on User Forum)