

The latest news about StarUML

StarUML 2.5.0 Release

StarUML v2.5.0 is now available for download. This release includes the following features and fixed issues.

Diagram Thumbnails View

As the number of diagrams is increased, it is difficult to find a particular diagram you want to see or edit. Diagram thumbnails view is very helpful to find the diagram you want to open. To open this view, check [ View > Diagram Thumbnails ] or click on the Diagram Thumbnails toggle button in Toolbar.

Diagram Thumbnails View Diagram Thumbnails View


Now you can create Hyperlinks to Diagrams, Elements, and URLs. You can easily create a hyperlink to a diagram by just drag a diagram from Model Explorer and drop on a diagram area. When you double click the hyperlink, then automatically open the referenced diagram or open the URL in a default browser.

Hyperlinks to Diagram, Element and URL Hyperlinks to Diagram, Element and URL

Support Accept Time Event Action

Now Accept Time Event Action element is supported for Activity Diagram.

Accept Time Event Action Accept Time Event Action

The detailed resolved issues can be found at Release Note.