

The latest news about StarUML

StarUML 2.8.0 Release

StarUML v2.8.0 is now available for download. This release includes the following features and fixed issues.

Show stereotype icon in Model Explorer

Now you can see stereotype icons in Model Explorer. It makes you easier to identify stereotypes (e.g. boundary, entity, control) in the Model Explorer. Note that boundary, entity, control stereotypes included in the previous version (2.7.0 or lower) are not shown in Model Explorer. To show the icons, you need to re-apply UML Standard Profile and re-bind the stereotypes in this new version (2.8.0).

Stereotype icons in Model Explorer

Word wrap for attributes, operations and other text elements.

Now you can set word wrap for most of text elements including attributes, operations, association roles, etc. Word wrap settings are saved to the file, so these are restored when you loaded from file.

Word wrap for attributes, operations, etc.

The detailed resolved issues can be found at Release Note.