

The latest news about StarUML

StarUML V3 (3.0.0) Release

We are so glad to announce StarUML V3 release. The new V3 changed underlying platform to electron. It brings a lot of advantages for new features, performance, stability and so forth. The new V3 has many features that you can take advantage of.

Multiple Windows

The previous version allow to edit only one file at the same time. Now V3 allows to popup multiple windows so that you can edit multiple files simultaneously.


Data Flow Diagram

Many users has been requested to support DFD (Data Flow Diagram) as one of diagram types. So it is now available in the new V3.


Auto Update

You don’t need to download and install manually any more. The new V3 supported auto update for Windows and macOS. (Auto update for Linux is not yet supported).

Light and dark themes

Now light theme is added, so you can choose one of dark or light theme for UI.


Copy diagram image to clipboard

Copying diagram image to clipboard is supported, so you can copy and paste diagram image easily into other applications like Word or PowerPoint without explicitly exporting diagram images.

Code signing for executables and installers

In many reasons, we couldn’t provide code signing in the previous version. Now we’re ready to provide signed executables and installers for Windows and macOS from the new V3. No more unsigned warnings.

API enhancement

Because we changed underlying platform to electron, so APIs for extensions are changed in many parts. It causes that extensions for V2 will not work in the new V3 and they are required to be updated with V3 APIs. APIs for V3 are much more easier and simpler powered with electron’s APIs and ECMAScript 6 support.

Hope you enjoy and satisfies with the new StarUML V3. Thank you.